If you’re stressed out and hopped up on caffeine — and who isn’t these days — you might be prone to hallucinating, namely hearing snatches of the tune “White Christmas” in white noise, according to a recent study by …
It was too good to be true: a study by Mayo Clinic researchers finds that flaxseed doesn’t help prevent hot flashes after all.
In its first ever ranking of 20 popular diets, U.S. News & World Report rated the DASH diet No. 1.
Last month, a Swedish study made a splash when it found that couples in which one partner commutes a long way to work (more than 45 mins.) are 40% more likely to divorce than couples who don’t have to travel so far for their jobs.
A brain scan may someday be able to help identify cases of autism, a new study suggests. Currently, autism is diagnosed based on subjective evaluations of a child’s behavioral and developmental deficits, but researchers at …
Burger lovers may feel disheartened as the case against red meat continues to grow.
Kids and teens who spend a lot of time playing video games or texting on their smartphones may end up with serious wrist and finger pain, a new study suggests.
Want a healthier heart? Try adding fish to your diet. But be careful how it’s cooked, a new study warns: baked or broiled fish will boost heart health, but fried fish is probably better left uneaten.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday approved the second drug in two weeks for the treatment of hepatitis C. The new drug, called Incivek, is designed to be used in conjunction with standard therapy with interferon …
Sad mood and sleep problems often go together — sleep disturbances like insomnia or, conversely, sleeping too much are common symptoms or warning signs of depression. Now, some doctors say that drugs that help regulate sleep …
Ever get that creepy-crawly sensation, like bugs are slithering beneath your skin? For some people, the feeling is permanent. They complain that their skin is infested by insects or parasites — a condition they call Morgellons …
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Friday approved a new drug to treat HIV infection. The drug, made by an arm of Johnson & Johnson, will be sold under the name Edurant, and is designed to be used in combination with other …
After being struck by a car in 2006, Rob Summers was given a grim prognosis: paralysis from the chest down and the possibility of never walking again. But five years later, he is able to stand on his own two feet unaided — …