The Happiest and Healthiest States Are In the Midwest
North Dakota ranks at the top of this year’s Gallup well-being poll, while West Virginia comes in last
North Dakota ranks at the top of this year’s Gallup well-being poll, while West Virginia comes in last
They don’t spend enough time doing fat-burning activities like jogging
People with obsessive-compulsive disorder and body dysmorphic disorder are more likely to be dependent on tanning
Add it to the list: new research shows that prolonged periods on your bum puts the elderly at risk for disabilities
Good luck – an estimated 75% of food found in supermarkets contains genetically modified ingredients
In some cases, families with a high-earning mom are more stable
1.5% of babies born in 2012 were due to IVF procedures
High levels of stress hormone cortisol led to much greater likelihood of clinical depression diagnosis
Providers take advantage of a guideline loophole to discriminate
No, it’s not kinky
Two urine diseases can be diagnosed from the substance
Your dating habits, from booty call to boyfriend
Minneapolis-St. Paul area wins because of Minnesota’s intense competition between hospitals and doctors