A generation or two ago, “parenting” probably wasn’t a noun. It was just something a mom and a dad did once baby made three. Fast-forward to 2010, where endless choices, along with their perceived pitfalls, await.
Babies and young children need iron to grow, but they’re not getting enough, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). To compound the problem, tests for iron deficiency — babies get their fingers pricked near …
Giving birth is not a modest affair. After a lifetime spent covering up your privates, there they are, front and center, splayed out for any ole doc or nurse to see.
Roll up your sleeves, moms-to-be. It’s flu-shot season, and new research released Monday shows that babies whose mothers were vaccinated during pregnancy were less likely to get the flu or to be hospitalized with respiratory …
In China, overpopulation has led to a one-child rule for many couples. Its neighbor, Taiwan, has the opposite problem: Its birthrate dropped to a record low last year. With less than 20,000 babies born, moms and dads will soon …
Most parents-in-waiting like to daydream that their unborn child might develop a cure for cancer or improve upon the theory of relativity — in short, save the world. Now, new research indicates that your best shot of …
When a Rutgers University freshman allegedly streamed video on the Internet of his roommate’s homosexual encounter in their dorm room, leading the roommate to leap to his death from the George Washington Bridge, it highlighted …
The timing couldn’t be worse. Just as parents, grandparents — and, most of all, manufacturers — are gearing up for the annual holiday toy-buying extravaganza, Fisher-Price has recalled more than 10 million tricycles, toys …
You know those sleep positioners that are so great at keeping baby right where she’s supposed to be? Stop using them.
Ladies, hit the gym (and hold the makeup). Unless you’re gunning for a long-term relationship, it’s your hot bod — and not your winsome face — that guys are after.
As if you needed another reason to quit smoking — especially during pregnancy — consider that women who puff while pregnant may hobble their babies’ coordination and physical control.
Last week, millions of parents freaked out at the prospect of bugs in their babies’ formula. Yet there’s a far more ubiquitous and deadly threat out there — one that all of us already have in our homes.
If you have reservations tonight for a romantic dinner for you and your spouse, go ahead and cancel them. It’s Family Day — A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children, designated by all 50 states to highlight how parental …