16 and Pregnant: Tuned-In Teens Are Turned Off by Teen Pregnancy
The U.S. teen birth rate dropped a smidgen between 2007 and 2008, but still, on average, three of every 10 girls gets pregnant at least once by the time she turns 20.
The U.S. teen birth rate dropped a smidgen between 2007 and 2008, but still, on average, three of every 10 girls gets pregnant at least once by the time she turns 20.
Sheila Reigner was 26 weeks pregnant when she found out she had breast cancer. “You are going to die within six months if you don’t do chemo,” she remembers the doctors saying.
Who’s worried about Octomom? Initially goo-goo-ga-ga over the idea of octuplets, the public quickly changed its tune when announcement of the births was soon overshadowed by news of Nadya Suleman’s other six kids and her …
Breast-feeding may sound counterintuitive after breast cancer, but new research indicates there’s no reason why survivors shouldn’t nurse a baby — even on the treated breast.
The advice to stop eating once labor kicks in has always seemed a bit draconian to me. Giving birth is hard work; why not munch if you’re hungry?
Did you know that 54% of women would prefer to be hit by a truck than be fat? Yep, you read that right. That women obsess about their weight is hardly news; if you think that should change, you might want to celebrate Fat-Talk …
Cancer used to be an old people’s disease. No longer: we all have friends and colleagues — young people, in their 20s, 30s, 40s — who’ve been on the receiving end of a scary diagnosis. The good news is that a verdict of …
Recently, a Canadian couple insisted their surrogate have an abortion after learning that the fetus she was carrying had Down syndrome. Mired as they were in talk of bioethics and contract law, it’s doubtful that the parties …
Abrasions, shoulder sprains and ankle and foot injuries are everyday battle scars that kids rack up as they pursue a multitude of sports. But who knew they could be an occupational hazard of virtual athletics too?
These days, any parent worth her salt knows to inquire about food allergies before a playdate begins. Allergies are everywhere, to all sorts of nuts, or eggs, or dairy. Rustling up a snack has never been more complicated, as …
If you’ve got a soft spot for the tall, dark and handsome archetype, chances are your real-life partner is short, blond and, well, not so toothsome. Or at least that’s the takeaway from new research published in the journal …
I grew up hearing from my dad that a woman can do anything a man can do. Now, as a parent, I try to impart that same wisdom to my own two girls. Still, biologically, there are some things gals can do that guys can’t — …
Today’s world is about being connected. Apparently some parents believe that can’t start too soon: new research shows that 7% of babies and toddlers have their very own email address.