Monday was National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day, a time set aside by the U.S. Senate to brandish gold ribbons and focus attention on pediatric cancer. It can all seem quite abstract when talking about the thousands of children who receive a cancer diagnosis each year. But break it down to smaller numbers, like the 46 kids who learn …
Preeclampsia is one of those terms you probably wouldn’t hear until your pregnancy test turns up positive. Then, regular prenatal urine and blood pressure screenings alert you to the condition, if they detect something awry.
Over the summer, my second-grader apparently binged on BPA, that controversial chemical that may or may not act as a hormone disrupter, depending whom you believe.
No, he hadn’t been sipping from contaminated SIGG bottles or …
Sucking ginger candies? Chomping Saltines? Wearing those unattractive wristbands with the plastic knobs that exert pressure just so and promise to calm pregnancy nausea? Check, check, check.
Colic, crying, round-the-clock wakings — is it any wonder that parents experience high rates of depression in the first year after the birth of a child?
As if parental sleep deprivation weren’t bad enough, now there’s something else to fret about when your tyke doesn’t get enough Z’s.
A new study in September’s Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine reports …
After I had my son, I desperately wanted a girl. When I got pregnant again, I was so convinced another XY was on the way that when the doctor delivered our daughter (XX, that is) and announced as much, I asked my husband: “Is …