The good news is it runs all day. The bad news is it runs all day
Sleep’s Best-Kept Secret: A Treatment for Insomnia That’s Not a Pill
Why behavior therapy isn’t used more, and what your smartphone can do about that
What Dreams Are Made Of: Understanding Why We Dream (About Sex and Other Things)
Do they predict the future or simply rehash the past? By figuring out why we dream, researchers are hoping to nail down what the nightly cavalcade of images and events means.
What Do Your Dreams Mean? Here’s How You Can Decode Them
New sleep apps promise to decipher the hidden meanings of your nighttime experiences. But how reliable are they?
Teens Who Can’t Sleep Have Friends That Can’t Sleep
Social ties may be the true culprit behind adolescents’ disrupted sleep habits.
Engineer on Derailed Train ‘Consciously Asleep’: Is That Possible?
Experts don’t recognize the term, but say episodes of microsleep are potentially dangerous
Is Your Teen a Night Owl? That Could Explain His Poor Grades
Staying up late is almost a rite of passage for teens, but night owl students could be paying the price with lower grades years after high school.
Less Sleep Linked To Alzheimer’s Disease
Here’s one more reason to get to bed earlier.
4 Apps to Help You Sleep Better
If you’re not ready to pop a pill or strap on a gadget every night in search of some extra shut-eye, there are apps that can help. Here are four that are worth a try.
Your Brain Cells Shrink While You Sleep (And That’s a Good Thing)
In a predatory world, sleep doesn’t make much evolutionary sense. Why would any creature lie down, shut its eyes and not move for about a third of a day? It’s like an invitation to be eaten.
The Secret to Smarter Kids: Naps
It may not look like much is going on during naptime in preschool, but dozing youngsters are actually busy learning.
The Best Way to Conquer Fear? Sleep on It
A new technique makes it possible to sleep away your fears.
Michael Jackson and Sleep Deprivation: Does Poor Sleep Increase Risk of Sudden Death?
Michael Jackson allegedly relied on an anesthetic to sleep, which may have actually left him sleep deprived.