
An early step toward a cure for hearing loss?

A new development with mouse embryonic stem cells could pave the way for future research into human hearing — and even a cure for some types of hearing loss. A study published in the May 14 issue of the journal Cell details how a team of researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine found a way to grow hair-like cells —

Low-carb diets linked to vascular disease

Ever wonder how all that fat and protein in a low-carb diet could be good for you, even though you’re losing weight? A new study today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that, well, in fact, it isn’t.

Mice that were fed a high protein, high fat diet — designed to resemble a human low-carb diet …

One More Reason to Cut Cholesterol …

Researchers from Kaiser Permanente find that elevated cholesterol levels — even levels just a little bit elevated, in fact — are predictive of dementia in old age.

A four-decade study of 9,844 men and women in northern California found a strong association between cholesterol when people were in their 40s and Alzheimer’s disease …

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