Does your mind go blank every time the boss calls your name in a big meeting? Ever bombed a test you spent weeks studying for, or botched a simple play that cost your team the game? If so, University of Chicago psychologist Sian …
Search Results
An Antidote for Choke Artists—Write Away Your Fears
Are you one of those people who can perform well under pressure, blocking out anxiety burdensome thoughts of failure—or do you tend to seize up just when you need to perform your best, so crippled by fear and consumed by the …
When Flappy Bird Flies Too Close to the Sun
The developer seems to have choked under the pressure of his game’s success
‘Cinnamon Challenge,’ Popular with Teens, Proves Risky
It’s a relatively simple dare, but teens are sending themselves to the hospital by attempting the “cinnamon challenge.”
Super Bowl and Super Fans: Why We Care So Much
More research shows that the Big Game is big deal for many — for better or worse.
Hand Gestures Could Make Kids Smarter
Using hand gestures may be important for more than just making a point; they could help children to learn.

Facebook’s Plan to Stop the Hate: Holding Us Accountable
Yesterday, I asked Facebook to take down a fraudulent page. Within a few hours it was gone, just a shadowy image of a bandaged thumb where it used to be. Very effective. It’s highly likely I get better treatment from Facebook …
‘Cinnamon Challenge’ Could Trigger Lasting Lung Damage
Swallowing a tablespoon of the dry spice on a dare could lead to serious health problems, according to the latest report on the practice.
High Anxiety: How Worrying About Math Hurts Your Brain
Does math make you anxious? The latest research shows that even the thought of arithmetic can trigger a physical reaction that looks a lot like pain in the brain.
Study: Autistic Children Have More Brain Cells
There’s growing evidence that the brains of autistic children are very different from the brains of other youngsters. Now a new study that found an excess of brain cells in children with autism comes closer to pinpointing the …
House Watch: How Lying Can Kill You
House Watcher was sick last week (final diagnosis: common cold), but I’m all better now, so let’s get right into the best procedural episode of the season, “Recession Proof,” which is about a central theme of the series: …
Where Does Fear Come From? (Hint: It’s Not the Creepy Basement)
To the average observer, it would seem that 44-year-old patient “SM” was just another typical mother of three: she scores normally on IQ tests, has good language skills and a decent memory.
Study: Why We Think Women Are More Trustworthy Than Men
Let’s be honest: everybody lies. The question is whether people believe what you say. And a new study shows that your trustworthiness depends not just on the words you use, but on who you are and how you say them.