The self-proclaimed “Happiest 5K on the Planet,” the Color Run is a family-friendly run for those who don’t mind being a human canvas. Runners start the race wearing all white, but they don’t stay pristine for long. Each kilometer of the race is associated with a different color: yellow, green, blue, purple or pink. As runners pass through each “color zone,” volunteers armed with 32 oz mustard bottles filled with dyed corn starch, pelt them as they fly by. As the race website’s FAQ says, getting colored “doesn’t hurt at all. It is like getting into a powdered sugar food fight.” The color is 100% natural and safe.
(MORE: It’s Not Too Late to Start: Tips for Training for a Distance Run)
When: August through December
Where: 50 U.S. cities, including New York City, Washington, Miami and San Diego; Montreal; and Australia