Call it Paleo Chic. The eating habits of cavemen have never been more popular. But should we be taking menu cues from our ancient ancestors?
Diet & Fitness
How the Mediterranean Diet Alone Can Fight Diabetes
There is no ultimate diet, but if there were, the Mediterranean plan would come darn close.
Study: Obesity Rates Have Surged In Developing World
One third of the planet is now obese or overweight, according to a new report
We Found the Best Hangover-Free Drinks for Celebrating the New Year
Want to make New Year’s Day feel as good as New Year’s Eve? Here’s how to have that toast (or two or three) and not hurt so much in the morning.
Drink Up: Egg Nog Contains as Many Calories As a Doughnut, and Other Liquid Calorie Facts You Need to Know
Calories that come in liquid form are harder to track than those in food, but we’ve done the math for you.
Christmas Dinner 2014: What’s Hot and What’s Not for Holiday Feasting
The holidays may be about tradition, but it never hurts to shake things up with some new additions to the Christmas feast.
How Many Steps Does it Take to Avoid a Heart Attack? Researchers Find Out
Walking can lower your risk of having a heart attack, as any doctor will tell you. Now scientists have found out exactly how many steps it takes to keep you ticker healthy.
Whole Foods to Stop Selling Chobani Yogurt
The grocer and yogurt company part ways
The Healthiest People Spill Their Holiday Survival Secrets and Splurges
Google’s Most Searched-for Calorie Counts
What foods did we plug into our calorie counters the most? Google finds out.
Pediatricians to Expectant Moms and Kids: Don’t Drink Raw Milk
The popularity of unpasteurized milk may pose health risks to young children, the elderly and pregnant women, doctors say.
Jay-Z and Beyoncé Are Vegan! Why You Shouldn’t Follow Their Lead
The 22-day diet doesn’t do much to promote veganism’s ideals — or your health
11 Ways To Burn Calories With Holiday Cheer
It’s hard to stay trim during the holidays, what with all the sweet treats and hot chocolate. But don’t feel too sluggish. You can still get a workout going through your holiday preparations.