The leap from zippy coupe to Honda Odyssey is both physical and emotional. That’s why How to Look Hot in a Minivan is here to help. You’ll feel better about your post-baby body when you learn it’s not just you who needs a little firming up; Hollywood journalist Janice Min tells us that Gwyneth Paltrow relied on two pairs of Spanx after daughter Apple arrived. If celeb moms can drop their baby weight, sister, so can you. But what if all that dieting makes you grouchy? No worries. Sh*tty Mom: The Parenting Guide for the Rest of Us discusses — nay, champions —parenting’s low points with chapters titled “How to Drop Your Sick Kid Off at Daycare Before the Teacher Figures It Out” and “It’s Come to Your Attention That Your Kid Is Merely Average.” Average? Our kid? Sorry, we couldn’t hear you. Raffi’s playing too loudly in the minivan.
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