Sometimes the kindest cut is the quickest. It’s certainly the most newsworthy. In the June edition of Playboy, Tom Cruise was effusive in his praise for his third wife. But before that issue was off newsstands, said third wife, Katie Holmes, had sprung divorce papers on the star while he was filming in Iceland. More ouchy still, it emerged that this was not an impulsive decision but the final maneuver in what appeared to be a thought-out escape plan, which included renting a getaway pad in New York City. They weren’t the first couple to split unexpectedly. A few weeks after sending out a happy December skiing photo, singer Seal and model Heidi Klum apparently went off piste and filed for divorce. This was something of a change for the two, who were known for renewing their wedding vows annually. Neither couple quite hit the seven-year mark. Hmm.