Who: Sue Kleine, @sueshine
Followers: 18,677
Kleine is the mother of a five-year-old autistic daughter, Sammy. Diagnosed when she was three, Sammy is a miracle baby for Kleine, who has lupus, a long-term autoimmune disorder that can affect many parts of the body, from joints to kidneys.
Since Kleine started posting pictures of Sammy, parents of other autistic children have reached out to her both to offer and to seek support. “I started having friendships with other moms on Instagram. We send pen pal packages back and forth and text each other,” says Kleine. “I’ve had parents who were nervous or uneasy with their child’s diagnosis tell me that I have given them hope.”
Even though Sammy may never drive a car, or live a typically “normal” life, Kleine says she and her husband want her to live the fullest and most independent life she can. Kleine’s photos are taken during their playtime adventures, which Kleine has dubbed “going to their own Never-Never-Land.”
“Sammy is so bright and creative. She’s so whimsical. She is not from this world. She’s magic,” says Kleine. “I don’t just love her as her mom, she is my best buddy.”
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